Results for 'Richard As Hall'

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    Jonathan Edwards as a pluralistic personalist.Richard As Hall - 2012 - Appraisal 9 (2).
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  2. Animals As Objects, or Subjects, of Rights.Richard A. Epstein, James Parker Hall Distinguished Professor of Law, Peter, Kirsten Senior Fellow & The Hoover Institution - 2004 - In Cass R. Sunstein & Martha Craven Nussbaum, Animal rights: current debates and new directions. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Paradox of Majoritarianism.Richard B. Hall - 1979 - Philosophy Research Archives 5:25-34.
    A democrat who finds himself in the minority on some political issue is compelled to judge that the policy favored by the majority ought to be implemented even though he believes that same policy ought not to be implemented because it does not represent the best social policy. I argue that this paradox does not reduce to a mere conflict of prima facie judgments (Rawls); that to view the paradox as a conflict of desires rather than of principles (Barry) makes (...)
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    Morality in a Technological World: Knowledge as Duty20082Lorenzo Magnani. Morality in a Technological World: Knowledge as Duty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007., ISBN: ‐13: 9780521877695 Hard Back Author's web site: [REVIEW]Richard Hall - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (2):189-190.
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  5. Phenomenal properties as dummy properties.Richard J. Hall - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 135 (2):199 - 223.
    Can the physicalist consistently hold that representational content is all there is to sensory experience and yet that two perceivers could have inverted phenomenal spectra? Yes, if he holds that the phenomenal properties the inverts experience are dummy properties, not instantiated in the physical objects being perceived nor in the perceivers.
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    Josiah Royce's proposal how to establish world peace using business rather than international law: an alternative to Immanuel Kant's Perpetual peace.Richard A. S. Hall - 2017 - Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
    The focus of this book is Royce's imaginative proposal to preserve world peace by virtue of international insurance and his reasons for choice of insurance as an instrument of peace. He attempted to combine the art of statistics with the precepts of insurance as a means to craft a scheme for international peace.
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  7. The Clifford/James Debate.Richard Hall - 2011 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 31 (1):79-89.
    Evidentialism, a doctrine of epistemic justification stipulating that a belief is warranted if and only if it is supported by evidence, is a central tenet of Anglo-American empiricism particularly in its form as logical empiricism or positivism. Advocated by Locke and Hume, it is found early on in this tradition. Perhaps the most impassioned advocate of evidentialism is the English mathematician and philosopher, William K. Clifford, who in his “The Ethics of Belief” gave this doctrine a moral twist by declaring (...)
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    The Symbolic Relationship and Christian Truth.Richard C. Hall - 1966 - Religious Studies 2 (1):129 - 136.
    The philosophical problem of the relation of symbol to truth is far from solved, but there have been significant advances toward its solution. It is the common Christian understanding that God is Truth , and that all truths must ultimately find union in him. This is to say that all genuine truths must be compatible. The true conclusions of genuine science must be compatible with the true conclusions of genuine theology. Or, to bring this general statement to a more particular (...)
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    The Alienated Academic: The Struggle for Autonomy Inside the University.Richard Hall - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    Higher education is increasingly unable to engage usefully with global emergencies, as its functions are repurposed for value. Discourses of entrepreneurship, impact and excellence, realised through competition and the market, mean that academics and students are increasingly alienated from themselves and their work. This book applies Marx’s concept of alienation to the realities of academic life in the Global North, in order to explore how the idea of public education is subsumed under the law of value. In a landscape of (...)
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  10. Review of H.G. Callaway ed, William James, A Pluralistic Universe, A New Philosophical Reading. [REVIEW]Richard A. S. Hall - 2009 - The Pluralist 4 (3):130-137.
    In 1907 William James was invited to give the Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College, Oxford. Initially he was reluctant to do so since he feared undertaking them would divert him from developing rigorously and systematically some metaphysical ideas of his own that had preoccupied him for some time. In the end, however, he relented and in the spring of 1908 gave the lectures which were subsequently published as A Pluralistic Universe. As it happened, though, in the course of these lectures (...)
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    An Emotion Regulation and Impulse Control (ERIC) Intervention for Vulnerable Young People: A Multi-Sectoral Pilot Study.Kate Hall, George Youssef, Angela Simpson, Elise Sloan, Liam Graeme, Natasha Perry, Richard Moulding, Amanda L. Baker, Alison K. Beck & Petra K. Staiger - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: There is a demonstrated link between the mental health and substance use comorbidities experienced by young adults, however the vast majority of psychological interventions are disorder specific. Novel psychological approaches that adequately acknowledge the psychosocial complexity and transdiagnostic needs of vulnerable young people are urgently needed. A modular skills-based program for emotion regulation and impulse control addresses this gap. The current one armed open trial was designed to evaluate the impact that 12 weeks exposure to ERIC alongside usual care (...)
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  12. Memories and Portraits: Explorations in American Thought By Howard G. Callaway.Richard A. S. Hall - 2011 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 47 (4):534-537.
    The modus operandi of this book is contextual—throughout he demonstrates how ideas emerge from or are inspired by particular environments. And the need to put philosophical ideas in their larger historical and cultural context so as to fully understand them is, as will be illustrated below, a facet of his philosophical method. Another of its facets is fallibilism, a deep commitment to subjecting all theories and concepts (in any field) to incessant scrutiny, testing, correction, and clarification. This suggests that a (...)
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  13.  21
    Jonathan Edwards & William James on religion.Richard Hall - 2012 - William James Studies 9 (1).
    Jonathan Edwards and William James were preoccupied with religion, and both responded in print, and profoundly, to religious crises in their own cultures: Edwards wrote his Treatise on Religious Affections in response to the hysteria and factionalism spawned by the Great Awakening, and James his Varieties of Religious Experience in reaction to the crisis in faith afflicting his generation. Edwards in Religious Affections provides a model of emotional religion that is neither anti-intellectual nor fanatical, whereas James in Varieties reveals that (...)
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  14.  61
    Richard Rorty: Prophet and Poet of the New Pragmatism.David L. Hall - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    This book is a discussion of the nature and import of Richard Rorty's philosophy, particularly as it relates to his reevaluation of American pragmatism.
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  15. Good and evil.Richard Taylor - 1984 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    The discussion of good and evil must not be confined to the sterile lecture halls of academics but related instead to ordinary human feelings, needs, and desires, says noted philosopher Richard Taylor. Efforts to understand morality by exploring human reason will always fail because we are creatures of desire as well. All morality arises from our intense and inescapable longing. The distinction between good and evil is always clouded by rationalists who convert the real problems of ethics into complex (...)
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  16. Accuracy, Chance, and the Principal Principle.Richard Pettigrew - 2012 - Philosophical Review 121 (2):241-275.
    In ‘A Non-Pragmatic Vindication of Probabilism’, Jim Joyce attempts to ‘depragmatize’ de Finetti’s prevision argument for the claim that our partial beliefs ought to satisfy the axioms of probability calculus. In this paper, I adapt Joyce’s argument to give a non-pragmatic vindication of various versions of David Lewis’ Principal Principle, such as the version based on Isaac Levi's account of admissibility, Michael Thau and Ned Hall's New Principle, and Jenann Ismael's Generalized Principal Principle. Joyce enumerates properties that must be (...)
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    Beyond “academicization”: The postwar american university and intellectual history.Richard F. Teichgraeber - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (1):127-146.
    The still astonishing expansion of the American university since World War II has transformed the nation's intellectual and cultural life in myriad ways. Most intellectual historians familiar with this period would agree, I suppose, that among the conspicuous changes is the sheer increase in the size and diversity of intellectual and cultural activity taking place on campuses across the country. After all, we know that colleges and universities that employ us also provide full- and part-time academic appointments to novelists, poets, (...)
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    Structures of evil encountered in pastoral counseling.Marjorie Hall Davis - 2008 - Zygon 43 (3):665-680.
    This essay explores some relationships between social structures or systems and the internal psychological structures or systems of individuals. After defining evil, pastoral counseling, and structures or systems, I present examples of persons affected by social systems of power who have sought counseling. I present a form of counseling known as Internal Family System Therapy (IFS) and show with an extended example how I have worked with clients using this approach. In this process the client is guided to use "Self-leadership" (...)
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  19. Ethics in a democratic state.Richard Hull - manuscript
    I bring you greetings from the United States, where its citizens have been closely following the events of the past three weeks. There has been a great change in the feelings of common American people towards the Russian people. Many have expressed their sense of identity and solidarity with the people of Moscow and St. Petersburg as they witnessed the resistance for the attempted coup. Americans have enormous respect for constitutional government as well as for democracy, and they saw the (...)
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    The Lives of Those Who Would Be Immortal [review of David Leavitt, The Indian Clerk: a Novel ].Richard Henry Schmitt - 2007 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 27 (2):272-279.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:March 13, 2008 (7:35 pm) G:\WPData\TYPE2702\russell 27,2 054.wpd 272 Reviews 1 See Brian J.yL. Berry and Donald C. Dahmen, “Paul Wheatley, 1921–1999”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 91 (2001): 734–47. THE LIVES OF THOSE WHO WOULD BE IMMORTAL Richard Henry Schmitt U. of Chicago Chicago, il 60637, usa [email protected] David Leavitt. The Indian Clerk: a Novel. London: Bloomsbury, 2008; New York: Bloomsbury, 2007. Pp. 485. isbn (...)
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    Book Review: Richard Rorty: Prophet and Poet of the New Pragmatism. [REVIEW]Richard Rumana - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):144-145.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Richard Rorty: Prophet and Poet of the New PragmatismRichard RumanaRichard Rorty: Prophet and Poet of the New Pragmatism, by David L. Hall; xii & 290 pp. Albany: SUNY Press, 1994, $49.50 cloth, $16.95 paper.David Hall has written a highly creative, original—and idiosyncratic—work on Rorty, with its idiosyncrasy another aspect that makes the book well worth reading. This does not mean that it is always satisfying, (...)
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  22.  17
    On Women Englishing Homer.Richard Hughes Gibson - 2019 - Arion 26 (3):35-68.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Women Englishing Homer RICHARD HUGHES GIBSON Seven kingdoms strove in which should swell the womb / That bore great Homer; whom Fame freed from tomb,” so begins the fourth of “Certain ancient Greek Epigrams ” that George Chapman placed at the head of his Odyssey at its debut in 1615.1 The epigram was no mere antiquarian dressing for the text. It suggests a historical parallel with the (...)
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  23. Presocratics and Plato: Festschrift at Delphi in Honor of Charles Kahn.Richard Patterson, Vassilis Karasmanis & Arnold Hermann (eds.) - 2013 - Parmenides Publishing.
    This celebratory Festschrift dedicated to Charles Kahn comprises some 23 articles by friends, former students and colleagues, many of whom first presented their papers at the international "Presocratics and Plato" Symposium in his honor. The conference was organized and sponsored by the HYELE Institute for Comparative Studies, Parmenides Publishing, and Starcom AG, with endorsements from the International Plato Society, and the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania. While Kahn's work reaches far beyond the Presocratics and (...)
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    T. S. Eliot on Reading: Pleasure, Games, and Wisdom.Richard Shusterman - 1987 - Philosophy and Literature 11 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Richard Shusterman T. S. ELIOT ON READING: PLEASURE, GAMES, AND WISDOM Eliot frequently speaks of poetry as essentially a game or amusement whose first and foremost function is to give pleasure. "The poet," says Eliot, "would like to be something of a popular entertainer... would like to convey die pleasures ofpoetry.... As things are, and as fundamentally they must always be, poetry is not a career but a (...)
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    Book Review: The Fine Delight That Fathers Thought: Rhetoric and Medievalism in Gerard Manley Hopkins. [REVIEW]Richard D. Lord - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):149-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Fine Delight that Fathers Thought: Rhetoric and Medievalism in Gerard Manley HopkinsRichard D. LordThe Fine Delight that Fathers Thought: Rhetoric and Medievalism in Gerard Manley Hopkins, by Franco Marucci; 261 pp. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1994, $44.95.Paging one day through Hopkins’s notebooks in the library at Campion Hall, I was startled to find the draft of “Spelt From Sibyl’s Leaves” placed directly opposite (...)
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  26. Economic Analysis Meets Distributive Justice. [REVIEW]Richard Arneson - 2000 - Social Theory and Practice 26 (2):327-345.
    Some of the best philosophers do not hold academic appointments in philosophy departments. Wouldn't you rather have the ghost of Frank Ramsey (the Cambridge mathematician who died in the 1920s) as a hall mate instead of some of your current colleagues? Confining our attention to the living, we find some economists among the more philosophically inclined intellectuals. The best of these fellow traveling economistphilosophers are the Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen and also John Roemer. In the early 1980s Roemer (...)
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  27. Village Japan.Richard K. Beardsley, John W. Hall & Robert H. Ward - 1960 - Science and Society 24 (1):92-95.
  28.  25
    The BERA/SAGE handbook of educational research – Volumes 1 and 2.Richard Race & Charlotte Vidal-Hall - 2019 - British Journal of Educational Studies 67 (2):271-273.
  29.  24
    The Salters’ Hall Controversy: Heresy, Subscription, or Both?Jesse F. Owens - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (1):35-52.
    The Salters’ Hall controversy was a watershed event in the history of English Dissent. Some historians have interpreted the controversy as an early sign of the theological demise of the English General Baptists and the English Presbyterians. Conversely, the controversy has also been used to demonstrate the theological steadfastness of the English Particular Baptists and Congregationalist in the eighteenth century. Yet some of the earliest accounts of the Salters’ Hall controversy maintain that the controversy was not about the (...)
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  30. The Roots of Representationism: An Introduction to Everett Hall.Walter Horn - 2013 - Lap Lambert.
    American philosopher Everett W. Hall was among the first epistemologists writing in English to have promoted “representationism,” a currently popular explanation of cognition. According to this school, there are no private sense-data or qualia, because the ascription of public properties that are exemplified in the world of common sense is believed to be sufficient to explain mental content. In this timely volume, Walter Horn, perhaps the foremost living expert on Hall’s philosophy, not only provides copious excerpts from (...)’s works in epistemology, metaphysics, and the philosophy of language--as well as his own commentaries on those writings--but also includes articles by Richard Rorty, Amie Thomasson, Fred Dretske, Thomas Natsoulas, and Romane Clark that are pertinent to Hall’s unique blend of linguistic idealism and intentional, common-sense realism. Covering metaphilosophy, the intentionality of perception, naïve realism, linguistic relativism, and Hall's public disagreements with such luminaries as Moore, Carnap, Wittgenstein, Quine, and Sellars, The Roots of Representationism is essential reading for students of 20th Century analytic philosophy. (shrink)
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    Making sense of dignity.Richard Ashcroft - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (11):679-682.
    In this review of Leon Kass’s Life, liberty and the defense of dignity and Deryck Beyleveld and Roger Brownsword’s Human dignity in bioethics and biolaw. I consider the prospects for a theory of dignity as a basis for bioethics research. I argue that dignity theories are worth exploring in more detail, but that research needs to consider both “antitheory” accounts of the language of bioethics, and to give more weight to accounts of dignity as an outcome of holding positive liberties (...)
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    The Association of Individual Spirituality on Employee Engagement: The Spirit at Work.Richard A. Roof - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):585-599.
    Employee engagement and spirituality have both been the focus of increasing interest by researchers and practitioners, and both are still early stage theories with ill-defined constructs and definitions. Emergent empirical work related to engagement and spirituality has supported the promise of improving both organizational performance and employee conditions. Responding to the call by theorists to examine engagement antecedents and specifically, the relationship between spirituality and employee engagement, a cross-sectional study was performed to examine self-reported individual spirituality as measured by the (...)
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  33. On Law as Poetry: Shelley and Tocqueville.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - South African Journal of Philosophy 3 (40).
    Consonant with the ongoing “aesthetic turn” in legal scholarship, this article pursues a new conception of law as poetry. Gestures in this law-as-poetry direction appear in all three main schools in the philosophy of law’s history, as follows. First, natural law sees law as divinely-inspired prophetic poetry. Second, positive law sees the law as a creative human positing (from poetry’s poesis). And third, critical legal theory sees these posited laws as calcified prose prisons, vulnerable to poetic liberation. My first two (...)
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    A philosophy of geometry.Richard J. Hall - 1965 - Philosophia Mathematica (1):13-31.
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  35. On Justice as Dance.Joshua Hall - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (4):62-78.
    This article is part of a larger project that explores how to channel people’s passion for popular arts into legal social justice by reconceiving law as a kind of poetry and justice as dance, and exploring different possible relationships between said legal poetry and dancing justice. I begin by rehearsing my previous new conception of social justice as organismic empowerment, and my interpretive method of dancing-with. I then apply this method to the following four “ethico-political choreographies of justice”: the choral (...)
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    I. A. Richards and the Philosophy of Practical Criticism.Hugh Bredin - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (1):26-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hugh Bredin I. A. RICHARDS AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF PRACTICAL CRITICISM IN much of the English-speaking world, an essential component of literary studies is the exercise known as "practical criticism." The name, and to some extent the practice, originated in a book by I. A. Richards, Practical Criticism, 1 in which he described an experiment conducted by him at Cambridge and elsewhere. In the experiment, undergraduate students of English (...)
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    In Search of Phenomenology.Richard Schmitt - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):450 - 479.
    The final two parts of the book survey the state of phenomenology in different parts of the globe today and attempt to characterize the main steps of the phenomenological method. In the back of the book there are two historical charts, a glossary, and an index of terms, as well as an index of names.
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    Votes and Virtues: What Democracy Requires.Richard Schmitt - 2021 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 1 (2):237-258.
    Anglophone political theorists regard democracy as an electoral system. The moral character of citizens in a democracy is of no interest to them. But electoral systems that disregard the virtue of citizens yield racist governmental systems and major injustices. Democracy requires citizens distinguished by virtues.
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    Analytic/synthetic.Richard Swinburne - 1984 - American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (1):31 - 42.
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    Nationalism and African Communal Identity in Marguerite Abouet’s and Clement Oubrerie’s Aya de Yopougon.Richard Oko Ajah - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (3):85-99.
    Nationalism has become a contested construct because scholars doubt its ideological authenticity and global migratory consciousness, which promotes transcultural / transnational identity, and problematizes its raison d’être. Though Abouet and Oubrerie’s graphic novel could be read as a portrayal of the emerging urban center and its postmodern identities, this study rather investigates how Aya de Yopougon galvanizes juvenile nationalistic consciousness through age-long African communal identity. Using the postcolonial theory, the paper argues that the epistemology of nationalism, as a forerunner of (...)
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    „… daß Sie Ihre Tätigkeit einstellen müssen”︁: Die Entlassung Sergej Tschachotins aus dem Heidelberger Kaiser‐Wilhelm‐Institut 1933.Richard Albrecht - 1987 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 10 (2):105-112.
    Abstract“…that you must have to stop working here.” How Sergej Chakhotin was forced to leave the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute at Heidelberg in 1933. ‐ In this essay the author presents some basically unpublished material according to the dismissal of the Russian natural scientist Sergej Chakhotin, a former assistant of I. P. Pavlov. Chakhotin, who got a sholarship granted by an American institution, worked since 1930 at the newly established Kaiser Wilhelm Institute at Heidelberg, as a scientist. Moreover, he practically engaged (...)
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  42. Quine on Truth.Richard Hou - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (8):111-141.
    In Quine's philosophy stance, the most clearly is not his "real" view. Perhaps he is most concerned about the experience and the theoretical relationship between the content of experience, evidence, and the wide expanse between scientific theories associated. "True," this concept in his theoretical philosophy, it seems to swing in between different stance. For example, speaking, Quine's theory of experience equal to what is really home and country-style stance , Davidson is the support that the coherence theory of truth management (...)
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    Probability Kinematics and Causality.Richard C. Jeffrey - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:365 - 373.
    Making up your mind can include making up your mind about how to change your mind. Here a suggestion for coding imputations of influence into the kinematics of judgmental probabilities is applied to the treatment of Newcomb problems in The Logic of Decision framework. The suggestion is that what identifies you as treating judgmental probabilistic covariance of X and Y as measuring an influence of X on Y is constancy of your probabilities for values of Y conditionally on values of (...)
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  44. Scientific Contribution.Kelly C. Smith & Hardin Hall - unknown
    What exactly is a genetic disease? For a phrase one hears on a daily basis, there has been surprisingly little analysis of the underlying concept. Medical doctors seem perfectly willing to admit that the etiology of disease is typically complex, with a great many factors interacting to bring about a given condition. On such a view, descriptions of diseases like cancer as genetic seem at best highly simplistic, and at worst philosophically indefensible. On the other hand, there is clearly some (...)
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    Gaining face or losing face? Framing the debate on face transplants.Richard Huxtable & Julie Woodley - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (5-6):505-522.
    ABSTRACT An American surgical team has announced its intention to perform the first human facial transplantation. The team has, however, invited further analysis of the ethical issues before it proceeds and in this paper we take up that challenge in seeking to frame the debate with a particular focus on the recipients of the transplant. We address seven related areas of concern and identify numerous questions that require answers or, perhaps, better answers. We start by examining the nature of the (...)
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    Business Ethics: Kant, Virtue, and the Nexus of Duty: Foundations and Case Studies.Richard M. Robinson - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers students a philosophical introduction to the ethical foundations of business management. It combines lessons from Kant with virtue ethics and also touches upon additional approaches such as utilitarianism. At the core of the book lies the concept of the nexus of imperfect managerial duty: building and reinforcing the virtuous managerial team, engaging in reasoned discourse among all stakeholders, and diligently pursuing business responsibilities, including the creative efforts necessary for modern organizations. Case illustrations of these applications are presented (...)
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  47. Politics.Richard Kraut (ed.) - 1997
    This volume contains a clear and accurate translation of the last two books of Aristotle's Politics, together with a philosophical commentary. It is well suited to the requirements of students, including those who do not know Greek. The Politics is a key document in Western political thought; it raises and discusses many theoretical and practical political issues which are still debated today. In Books VII and VIII Aristotle gives his fullest picture of the ideal civic community, as a model for (...)
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    The notion of number and the notion of class.Richard Allen Arms - 1917 - Philadelphia,: Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    The Guild of Surgeons as a Tradition of Moral Enquiry.Daniel E. Hall - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (2):114-132.
    Alisdair MacIntyre argues that the virtues necessary for good work are everywhere and always embodied by particular communities of practice. As a general surgeon, MacIntyre’s work has deeply influenced my own understanding of the practice of good surgery. The task of this essay is to describe how the guild of surgeons functions as a more-or-less coherent tradition of moral enquiry, embodying and transmitting the virtues necessary for the practice of good surgery. Beginning with an example of surgeons engaged in a (...)
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    Human Values and HRM Practice: The Japanese Shukko System.Richard J. Grainger & Tadayuki Miyamoto - 2003 - Journal of Human Values 9 (2):105-115.
    Aspects of the Japanese human resources management system are discussed to illustrate the underly ing significance of human values in Japanese organizational management, with a particular aspect of Japanese human resource management used as an illustrative case. Relevant literature is reviewed to introduce the relational Japanese management and human resources management (HRM) systems, and to explain the system of inter-firm employee transfer within the corporate group known as the 'shukko' system. The paper then discusses various impacts of this HRM practice (...)
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